In this lesson we are going to look at something that is very common for IELTS Listening. In the listening test you often need to listen and write down a number. IELTS Knows all problem that many student have with numbers in English. One of the common problem is the different between fifteen and fifty. Even for us sometime it can be difficult to hear the different between fifteen and fifty or sixteen and sixty. So IELTS Often give you those number in the test to test your ability, to hear and understand in english. Let me give you a little test. I am gonna give you some numbers and I would like you to listen and write them down. After that I will give you the answer. I am gonna give you ten numbers. If you are ready, klik play in the video bottom.
So how did you do? did you get more of them right or did you get a lot of them wrong? Well, if you didn't do very well, continue watching and I'm gonna go through the prounounciation of the numbers.
Now lets have a look. We get as an example: thirteen and thirty. The different between thirteen and thirty is in the sound. The sound in thirteen is longer while the sound in thirty is shorter. Klik play and listen this video.
So hopefully you have learn a little bit about the different between numbers. Please practice, it is important because you can get this in the test. And hopefully you will get that correct. Well that is so for this lesson. I will see you again in another IELTS lesson.
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