In this lesson I am going to test you on part of IELTS listening section 1. I am gonna test you on the time. I hope you remember how to tell the time in English. Before we do the test, Lets show quickly review a little bit about how to tell the time. We can see the clock at the picture. What time is it?
Well, the time is one fifty (1.50). That is quite easy. But in English, there is often two different ways to say the same time. Can you think the another way to say that time? The other way is ten to two. That means ten minutes before two o'clock. So there are two different ways to tell the same time. In your IELTS listening test, IELTS would often try to test you on that and trick you. Lets have a look at the test I am going to give you now.
For this test you are going to have 5 questions. You can see them at the picture above. For question 1 and question 3, I want you to listen to the time I tell you and write it in your paper. So you must prepare a pen and paper. Remember to write it in numbers, not words. For question 2, 4 and 5, I want you to choise the right option. So you can choise a, b or c. I am only going to say the time once. Just like in the test. So listen carefully and let's start.
The answers are :
1. 5.20
2. 7.45
3. 4.40
4. 6.30
5. 2.35
So how did you do in your test? Did you get all of them right? well don't worry if you didn't. This is not your real test. This is only a practice. If you didn't get all of them right, you need to practice. Practice makes perfect. That is all for this lesson. I will see you again in another IELTS lesson. Read Also about IELTS Listening : Strategy to Answer Listening English Names.